Longtime Democrat urges a vote against bully politics

The following appeared in the Charlestown Press as a paid advertisement on October 25th. We contacted the author and received permission to post the ad’s content here.

On Nov. 6, vote against bully politics in town.

The Charlestown Democratic Town Committee has given the town a window into its style of politics — and it’s disturbing and ominous.

Last year, members of the Committee started an internet site called a “blog.” Since then, Committee members have used the internet site almost daily to unleash vicious and hateful attacks on Charlestown citizens with whom they disagree about town issues. They have used smears, sneers, misinformation, distortions and outright falsehoods.

Although Committee members allow those who agree with them to express opinions on the site (usually anonymously) — they typically exclude those who disagree or who try to correct misinformation or falsehoods published on the site.

I am a longtime Charlestown homeowner and a loyal Democratic supporter nationally. I have supported Democrats for president as well as for U.S. Senate and Congress across the country over the years.

It pains me that the “Democratic” Town Committee and some other local “Democrats” have embraced and sanctioned this style of politics that consists of bullying, hate and squelching differing views.

This is NOT what Charlestown needs in town government.

On Nov. 6, take a stand against bully politics in Charlestown.
Vote against the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee’s
chosen slate of Democratic town candidates.

Paid for by Democrat Joanne D’Alcomo, 9 Michelle Lane — a Charlestown homeowner and taxpayer for 21 years. Not authorized or approved by any candidate or candidate’s committee. jdalcomo@gmail.com.