Linda Delfino Lyall – Chariho School Committee
As a member of the Chariho School Committee for the last four years, Linda has worked on behalf of Chariho students and their families to ensure that each student is provided with a high quality education in a safe learning environment. She is an advocate of continually striving for educational excellence that the Chariho community expects while utilizing a fiscally responsible approach to the budget process. She believes one of the most important roles of a School Committee member is to ensure that the buildings are open and the staff have the resources to teach.
Linda has 30 years of experience as a dedicated educator and instructional leader. She brings this expertise and her commitment to children to her service as a positive contributor to the Chariho School Committee. These years of experience have taught her to always take a positive approach, appreciate different perspectives and ideas, and encourage meaningful dialogue in order to address and/or solve matters that may arise.
- Sixth Year Degree in Education Leadership, University of Connecticut, UCAPP Program
- Master of Science in Special Education, Southern Connecticut State University
- Bachelor of Science in Special Education, University of Connecticut
Professional Experience
- Assistant Principal, Wilton High School, Wilton, CT
- Assistant Director for Special Services, Wilton, CT
- Special Education Teacher
- Adjunct Professor, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT
Public Service
- Chariho School Committee representing Charlestown (2018 to present)
- Elected School Committee Chairperson (2020-2022)
- Member of Chariho Schools District Safety Team
- CHARIHOtech School Safety Team
- Chariho Alternative Learning Academy (CALA) School Improvement Team Member
- Chairperson of the Chariho Health and Wellness Committee
- CHILL (Charged to Inspire Learners to Become Leaders) Chariho Mentoring Program
- Served on Executive Board for 3 years
- Mentor during this last school year
- Avid beachcomber and outdoor enthusiast.