The 2024 Local Election in Charlestown

Our Candidates

These candidates are Independents, Democrats, and Republican. What they share in common is a dedication to civil and open government, and a passion for preserving and protecting those assets that make Charlestown such a unique and treasured place to live.

Town Council (click on candidate’s name or picture to read full profile)

Planning Commission (click on name or picture to read full profile)

Town Moderator

On November 5, please vote for these Candidates for Charlestown Local Offices

Our Pledge

CCA is committed to an election outcome that produces public officials who will work in the interest of the majority of Charlestown’s citizens.

Good government requires an INFORMED electorate. To that end, Charlestown Citizens Alliance will endorse and support qualified elected officers who endorse our group’s major goals—responsive, open government; preserving the natural environment; maintaining community character; responsible development; quality education; engaging the community; and fiscal responsibility.

We will notify our e-mail list when these pages are updated with new local candidate and election information. To stay informed about the 2024 election, sign up for our e-mail list.